Transformation & Infusion of ICT Via Public-Private Partnership
Bismillahir rahmaanir rahiim
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh, Salam Sejahtera dan Salam 1Malaysia.
Y. Bhg. Tan Sri Abu Bakar bin Haji Abdullah, Ketua Pengarah Perkhidmatan Awam Malaysia
Y. Bhg. Tan Sri Abdul Halim bin Ali
Pengerusi, Multimedia Development Corporation, MDeC
Y. Bhg. Dato’ Mohamad Zabidi bin Zainal, Ketua Pengarah MAMPU
Y. Bhg. Datuk Badlisham Ghazali
Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif, MDeC
Y. Brs. Dr. Aminuddin Hassim
Pengarah INTAN
Para hadirin yang dihormati sekalian.
Pertamanya, marilah kita memanjatkan kesyukuran ke hadrat Allah SWT kerana dapat hadir di dalam sesi Executive Round Table (ERT) ini, yang diadakan sempena Persidangan ICT Kebangsaan 2011. Tahniah kepada Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC), dengan kerjasama INTAN dan MAMPU kerana menganjurkan sesi ini bagi menjalin kerjasama serta interaksi yang sihat di antara sektor awam dan kelompok industri ICT tempatan. Adalah diharapkan sesi ini, yang merupakan sebuah platform dialog dan pencetus idea, akan dapat membantu merealisasikan sebuah pelan tindakan yang memberi tumpuan kepada Transformasi Digital Sektor Awam di dalam konteks Innovative Digital Economy.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
2. In line with the government’s aspiration to see increased collaboration between the public and private sectors, I find that this roundtable session today is very timely. This session should be an avenue for ICT industry players to explore all possible synergy with government bodies that would ultimately benefit our nation as a whole.
3. A recent study undertaken by the Boston Consulting Group, which was commissioned by Google Hong Kong, revealed that the Internet has had a material impact to Hong Kong and has become an indispensable part of the territory’s socio-economy. The report, titled “The Connected Harbour: How the Internet is Transforming Hong Kong’s Economy,” estimates that in 2009, the Internet had helped contributed HK$96 billion (US$12 billion) to their Gross Domestic Product GDP, representing 5.9 percent of Hong Kong’s GDP. This share is likely to grow by 7 percent annually – contributing 7.2 percent of GDP by the year 2015; outperforming Hong Kong’s forecasted total annual GDP growth rate of 4 percent, and reaching HK$146 billion by 2015.
4. The Internet is improving the Hong Kong people’s quality of life and generating huge potentials for businesses. To this effect, Hong Kong’s Legislative Council for Information Technology is anticipating that it will encourage closer collaboration among all stakeholders, including government, industry and academia, to create a nurturing environment for their Internet economy to develop, thus ensuring a leading role for Hong Kong in Asia’s digital future.
5. Recognising the significance of the digital transformation that is happening across the world, the Government has mandated MDeC to develop an Innovative Digital Economy (IDE) Framework for Malaysia which will culminate in a Digital Malaysia Masterplan.
6. The overall goal is simple: to make Malaysia leverage on the growth opportunities presented by the global Digital Age to the fullest, powered by new ways of collaborative network, where productivity and competitiveness are enhanced. This is where smart public-private partnerships become more essential to further spur innovation, productivity, value-creation and competitiveness.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
7. Many of us can argue that numerous ICT-based modernisation initiatives to improve the government’s service delivery have been implemented, and this is true. As Chief Secretary to the Government, I chair various meetings and councils that monitor and advise on these programmes; and I recognise the efforts and hard work that have been put in place to ensure successful execution.
8. However, I am also a firm believer that there is still room for improvement. We should always ask ourselves, “What more can be done?” and “How much better can we improve?”
9. Government service delivery should emphasise on satisfying the needs and objectives of the customers, be it citizens or businesses. Correspondingly, the public sector must utilise its resources efficiently while adding more value to the products and services through change, creativity and innovation.
10. Digital enablement and transformation will open up opportunities for the Government to improve customer experience via its online touch-points, particularly via new single-window-portal services; shifting the focus more towards the customers’ needs. Therefore, concerted effort and collaboration between government and ICT businesses is critical in increasing the benefits for the citizens and SMEs by forming partnerships to deliver client-focused services.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
11. The relationship between the government and the private sector partners will change again. There should be new ways of collaboration. The new and innovative collaborative approach entails that as partners, the public and private sectors share the stakeholders’ priorities and needs; share the associated risks and costs with each other, enhance knowledge and skills of their people, and in the end, reap the expected benefits. Such collaboration should also be one that is designed to acculturate more pervasive use of ICT by government units and personnel.
12. In the end, it is not about the technology per se. It is about the service at the end of the technology that matters. If the services offered are not right, technology will deliver ineffective services.
13. As such, it is critical that we look at ourselves and ask the question how we can transform ourselves by embracing this next-generation partnership. And I believe that is the reason why we are all gathered here today for this Executive Round Table session.
14. As ICT professionals and leaders in your respective organisations, I urge you to open up and share your honest thoughts, ideas, challenges and desires, towards achieving the transformation and infusion of ICT via public-private partnership. I welcome you to capitalise on this platform to explore the opportunities for improvement of service delivery via digital empowerment of individuals and organisations.
Saudara-saudari sekalian,
15. Sekali lagi, saya ingin merakamkan penghargaan dan terima kasih kepada MDeC, serta INTAN dan MAMPU kerana telah menganjurkan sesi perbincangan ini, bersempena dengan persidangan NICT 2011. Saya percaya ianya akan mencapai objektif dan matlamat yang disasarkan.
16. Akhir kata, dengan lafaz Bismillaahir rahmaanir rahim, saya dengan merasmikan Sesi Executive Round Table NICT 2011.
Wabillahittaufiq walhidayah Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.