Opening Remarks at The Pr1ma Stakeholders’ Workshop
Bismillaahir rahmaanir rahiim
Yang Berbahagia Dato Abdul Mutalib bin Alias
Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif
Perumahan Rakyat 1Malaysia (PR1MA)
Wakil-wakil Jabatan
Y.Bhg. Dato’ Sri, Dato’-Dato’, Datin-Datin, Tuan-Tuan dan Puan-Puan
Para hadirin yang dihormati sekalian.
Terlebih dahulu marilah kita memanjatkan kesyukuran ke hadrat Allah SWT, atas limpah rahmat dan izin Nya jua kita dapat bersama-sama pada petang ini. Saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada pihak penganjur atas jemputan bagi menyampaikan sepatah dua kata di dalam sesi ini.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
2. The US market delved into an unprecedented recession in 2007 by and large by its housing market and housing financing. The strain that housing market can throw to an economy ripples beyond this sector. High street bank credit starts tightening, rise in unemployment creeps into the market, defaults on mortgage payment starts setting in followed by surge in bankruptcy and foreclosures cases as a result. All of these would and will directly and indirectly affect socio political scene in any country.
3. Roof over one’s head is simply a basic human need. (Maslow’s hierarchy of needs). But in ensuring we achieve this and achieve this optimally for all our citizens, both public and private sectors must convene on several policy and implementation considerations. These can only come about through engagement, and asking the difficult and painful questions. We must do so nonetheless to ensure that Malaysia is able to provide the fundamentals, not least the vital essentials for its own citizens.
4. Some points to maybe debate when developing a strong housing market could include if there has to be balance between ownership and rental housing. This could provide more options, if not better options for individuals and families. Housing policy has to reflect demographic transformation in our society. In other words aligning policy with production. Aligning production with access to credible credit. Aligning supply to affordability.
5. The Government has in the past and present addressed many issues on home ownership in Malaysia. Feedback received from the public highlighted a gap in access to housing for the middle income earners, especially in urban areas. The YAB Prime Minister decided that the Government has a responsibility of supporting those in need of this assistance. This led to the setting up of PR1MA, the acronym for Perumahan Rakyat 1Malaysia. Led by the Prime Minister himself, this initiative directly reaches out to helping the public in addressing the basic yet fundamental issue of having a place called home.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
6. In Malaysia the snag isn’t so much the lack of housing as it is the quality of housing – AFFORDABLE QUALITY HOUSING. The issue is no longer about insufficient supply rather it is about producing to meet the demands of the various segments of our society. It is also about having houses in safe, healthy and comfortably built environment befitting the socio-economic status of the country. The 10th Malaysia Plan spelt this clearly.
7. To ensure that the public has access to quality and affordable housing, the Government is rationalising and streamlining the roles of Federal agencies involved in providing public housing. The plan ahead is to rationalise further provision of federally-funded housing, allowing the private sector to participate more actively in this sector of our market.
8. PR1MA has been given the responsibility today to gather information and feedback on the current situation and future trends of affordable housing in Malaysia from all market constituents. It needs to in this process gather feedback from all current, future and potential stakeholders of the housing market to ensure we have taken into account all possible, potential and probable scenarios.
9. I am pleased to see representatives from so many organisations at the federal and state levels, private sector as well as groups representing the general public convened here today. I was informed earlier that some of you travelled from various States across the country to attend and provide your input at this workshop. I thank you for travelling the distance from near and far. It shows that you are here to be part of the solution.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
10. We are at a juncture where even though we know we need to do this initiative, the more gripping question is ‘How And Of What Outcome?’. This workshop must gear towards answering these questions amongst others.
11. I also hope this 2-day workshop will surface meaningful outcomes not only for the public officials and private sector, but also, and most importantly, for the public, the Rakyat, as the end users. The final outcome may not necessarily satisfy everyone’s wish list, but of utmost importance is that you have had the opportunity to have your say, and your arguments. I am certain a strong argument cannot go unheard, never mind undone. With that, I wish you every success for today and look forward to seeing the outcome of this Workshop.
Wabillahittaufik walhidayah
Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh.