Majlis Penyampaian Hadiah dan Penutup Varsity Boat Race 2011
Bismillaahir rahmaanir rahiim
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, Salam Sejahtera dan Salam 1Malaysia
Y. Bhg. Datuk Omar Abdul Rahman
Timbalan Ketua Setiausaha, Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi
Y. Bhg. Prof. Dato’. Ir. Dr. Zaini bin Ujang, Naib Canselor Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Tetamu Kehormat serta Dif-Dif Jemputan
Delegasi, atlet-atlet dan pegawai-pegawai dari IPT tempatan
Rakan-rakan dari ASEAN, ASIA, dan Eropah.
Para hadirin yang dihormati sekalian.
Syukur ke hadrat Allah SWT kerana selepas 5 hari tuan-tuan dan puan-puan bertungkus lumus, mengerah tenaga yang ada, dan bersaing antara satu sama lain dalam Varsity Boat Race 2011 di Putrajaya ini, sekali lagi kita bersama-sama dapat berkumpul di dalam Majlis Penyampaian Hadiah dan Penutup Varsity Boat Race 2011 yang penuh gilang-gemilang pada petang ini. Terlebih dahulu, saya ingin merakamkan penghargaan kepada Jawatankuasa Pelaksana kerana telah sudi menjemput saya untuk bersama-sama merasai bahang kehangatan Varsity Boat Race 2011.
2. Tahniah kepada penganjur bersama, iaitu Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi dan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia atas usaha gigih serta komitmen yang tinggi dalam menjayakan penganjuran kejohanan sukan tahunan ini. Ucapan ribuan terima kasih turut saya ucapkan kepada Majlis Sukan Universiti Malaysia (MASUM), Persatuan Mendayung Malaysia (PERDAMA), Persatuan Kenu Malaysia (MASCA), Perbadanan Putrajaya dan ASEAN University Sports Council (AUSC) yang telah memberi sokongan dan kerjasama sepenuhnya bagi menjayakan kejohanan sukan ini.
3. Saya juga mengalu-alukan kehadiran para jemputan ke majlis ini khususnya kepada delegasi, atlet-atlet dan pegawai-pegawai dari IPT tempatan, rakan-rakan dari ASEAN, ASIA, Eropah dan sekolah-sekolah .
Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen
4. It is my great pleasure to welcome all of you to this event. We bid a warm welcome to all the athletes and officials from ASEAN, ASIA, United Kingdom and other honoured guests.
5. First of all, I thank the Varsity Boat Race 2011 Organising Committee for inviting me to this wonderful event. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the Committee who has worked tirelessly to ensure the success of the tournament and to keep the sporting spirit of the competition.
6. It is my hope that through events such as this, the existing commitment and cooperation amongst students, athletes and officials from various countries will always be strengthened. I believe that participating countries are committed and capable of contributing towards each other’s progress through the sharing of knowledge and expertise.
7. It gives me an enormous sense of satisfaction to be here with all of you today to appreciate how essential a component sport is in the life of a student athlete. It can teach us about failure, joy, disappointment, excitement, winning and losing, about maturity, teamwork, humility and selflessness.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
8. In boat racing, like in many other sports, one must have strength and endurance. But I think that is barely enough to win the race. The key to victory is through teamwork, discipline and perseverance. These values reflect our roles as members of society and citizens of the world. We should embrace these values in order to bring out the best of humanity and work together towards the betterment of society.
9. I would like to congratulate all winners of this event. We must agree that winning brings us instant gratification, but at the same time we must also value the recognition of good sportsmanship as the main element in sports. We should realise that there is no satisfaction in winning if we have not played fairly or have not given our best. There is certainly no disappointment in losing, if we know we have given our best and have adhered to all the rules of the game. Good sportsmanship also develops a person’s moral, ethical and spiritual values, because the highest standards which are practiced in this field, will be absorbed into one’s personality and becomes one’s code of ethics.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
10. Malaysia as the host country takes pride in making the games a memorable experience for all participants. It is also a great honour for Malaysia to be the organiser of the Varsity Boat Race 2011. The competition has a vital role in not just promoting relations and cooperation among participating countries but also provide an opportunity for the university communities from around the globe to integrate, communicate and collaborate better through sporting activities. Therefore, it is my sincere hope that this event will continue and progress further in the future.
11. Finally, I wish to express my appreciation and thanks to all involved for the support and good spirit shown to make the Varsity Boat Race 2011 a success. Let me also take this opportunity to convey sincere gratitude to the Malaysian University Sports Council (MASUM), Malaysian Rowing Association (PERDAMA), Malaysian Canoe Association (MASCA), Putrajaya Corporation and ASEAN University Sports Council (AUSC) for the commitment and co-operation rendered. Not forgetting the ongoing support and commitment of the respective teams and varsities of the athletes involved.
12. On that note, and with the lafaz of Bismillaahir rahmaanir rahim it now gives me great pleasure to officially close the Varsity Boat Race 2011.
Wabillahittaufik walhidayah
Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.