UTP Convocation 2016
Sunday, 6 November 2016
Chancellor Hall, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Tronoh, Perak
Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,
Salam Sejahtera dan Salam 1Malaysia,
Yang Berbahagia Dato’ Raiha Azni Abdul Rahman, Pengerusi Lembaga Pengarah, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS,
Yang Berbahagia Datuk Ir Dr Abdul Rahim Haji Hashim, Naib Canselor, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS,
Ahli-ahli Lembaga Pengarah UTP,
Wakil-wakil Universiti,
Rakan-rakan Industri,
Ahli-ahli Senat,
Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Pengurusan Universiti,
Dif-dif Kehormat,
Wargakerja Universiti,
Dan yang diraikan – para Graduan serta ibubapa dan keluarga yang dikasihi sekalian.
Alhamdulillah, marilah kita sama sama merafakkan setinggi-tinggi kesyukuran kehadrat Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala kerana di atas limpah kurnia serta dengan izinNya jua, dapat kita bersama-sama di Majlis Konvokesyen Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS kali ke – 16 pada hari ini. Saya ingin merakamkan ucapan setinggi-tinggi tahniah kepada para graduan yang telah menerima ijazah masing-masing pada hari yang sungguh bermakna ini.
2. Bak kata pepatah Melayu, tempat jatuh lagi dikenang, inikan pula tempat bermain. Pastinya, kampus UTP ini telah diwarnai seribu satu kenangan pahit-manis, suka-duka kehidupan sebagai seorang pelajar. Tanggal hari ini, anda akan meninggalkan gedung ilmu UTP ini. Tanggal hari ini jugalah, bermulanya satu fasa kehidupan baru sebagai seorang graduan.
3. Harapan kita untuk setiap anak didik yang melangkah keluar dari Majlis ini amatlah tinggi. Harapan UTP adalah kejayaan semua anak didiknya. Demi membina legasi yang bermanfaat. Yang gemilang dan berterusan. Yang menjadi kebanggaan bukan sahaja diri sendiri, keluarga dan UTP, malah untuk Negara. Graduan yang mengingati asal usul mereka, yang akan memberi balik lebih dari yang diterima. Baik kepada ibu bapa, UTP atau Negara.
Graduating Class, Ladies and Gentlemen,
4. I just came back early yesterday morning from an immersion trip to Silicon Valley, California together with a group of mostly young Malaysian high tech entrepreneurs. All of us, without exception, took away almost similar observation. The Silicon Valley MINDSET. The mindset that we can benefit from – whether as young graduates, as a University or even as a Company, going forward.
5. First, Silicon Valley empowers and it practices collaboration. A networked and connected society. Openness to networking – of ideas, services and products. The companies there do not try to do everything themselves. They optimise their resources efficiently. Collaborating and partnering with others.
6. We visited GE, General Electric, the company founded by Thomas Edison, one of the 12 original companies listed on the Dow Jones Industrial Average when it was formed in 1896. After 120 years, it is the only one still listed on the Index. It is now ranked 26th on the Global Fortune 500. I believe that this multinational conglomerate still exists because it continuously innovate and move ahead of time. Jeff Immelt, GE Chairman and CEO who pushed for the transformation and digitalisation of GE stated that “if you went to bed last night as an industrial company, you’re going to wake up this morning as a software and digital company”.
7. Bill Ruh, CEO of GE Digital shared with us that the first step GE had to do in order to be successful in their transformation into digitalisation was to shed away the arrogance of their industrial success. To embrace the ethos that: they do not know everything. With this mindset up front, they have allowed themselves to collaborate with and learn from others. Including with competitors. Others who have better ideas, knowledge and experience. If a cup is full, how can you pour into it, right? I thought this is a powerful lesson which we must take on board. The days that we know everything and we know best is over. It is the spirit of continuous learning, openness, collaboration and partnership that matters today! That must be our Organisation’s way.
8. The second learning I picked up from Silicon Valley is the speed that they operate. With the mental make up of pushing for faster, better and newer ways of solving problem, the entrepreneurs of Silicon Valley are constantly disrupting, putting traditional businesses to shambles. Serial technology investor, and founder and CEO of Plug and Play, Saeed Amidi shared his story of opening a bank account in Germany that took him 2 months in spite of his long relationship with the bank in the US. He contrasted that with N26 which created a new way of banking where one can open a bank account in less than 8 minutes! Can you imagine? If we continuously and collectively have the Business As Usual mindset and not have any sense of urgency, we would not even realise when the disruptive trains hit us!
9. So as you chart your future, remember to always challenge the status quo. Always try to find better solutions. You must dream big. Think big. But never be big-headed. And while you dream big, it is better to start small. But act fast. The faster you move, the faster you get to fail and more importantly, learn and rebound from it. It is an iterative process to greatness. A progressive and continuously learning mind. And, never wait to be perfect to do anything. As the saying goes “if you wait for perfect conditions, you will never get anything done”.
10. While the Silicon Valley is home to so many global high tech successes, such as Apple, AMD, Hewlett-Packard, Cisco, Google, Facebook, Tesla Motors, it will continue to witness even larger number, much larger number of setbacks. But those innovators would not allow the setbacks to turn them into failures.
11. It is in that context that I encourage you – not only you, but all of us – to voice out ideas and opinions. A healthy debate can only push the organisation to greater heights. Such behavior and culture will allow us, our company to constantly re-invent especially in today’s age where disruptive innovation is the norm.
12. And, innovation can only flourish if we actively encourage curiosities, questions, debates and conversations. Not merely hierarchy of positions; but more on hierarchy of ideas. The Silicon Valley Mindset need not physically be in Silicon Valley. It can thrive in Tronoh, Cyberjaya and The Twin Towers! Any Where!
13. You have more than 30 to 40 years horizon ahead of you to pursue your dreams. Be it as Entrepreneurs, Innovators, Digital Makers or even as salaried executives. I can assure you that that journey will be full of pitfalls. Of challenges. However, do not be discouraged by those trials and tribulations. You have many years to improve. To be the best person you could be. Guided by integrity, and for the Greater Common Good.
14. This brings me to a quote by a man I truly admire, greatly respect and have the privilege to know personally. When he was appointed Chief Justice of Malaysia just a few months short of the Constitutionally-mandated retirement age, Yang Amat Berbahagia Tun Abdul Hamid Mohamad stated and I quote:
“I am aware that even if with the grace of God Almighty I were to live long enough, my term of office as Chief Justice will be a very brief one. But, even if, by the will of God Almighty I were to occupy the office for only one day, during that one day, I am determined to do what I honestly believe to be right, as best I can. Whether my best is good enough is for the public to judge”.
15. So, whenever you stumble in pursuing your dreams, it would be wise to remember Tun Hamid’s powerful message. His high spirit of wanting to strive for the best possible, the best he could be – notwithstanding the brevity of his tenure.
16. You have years ahead of you. Always strive to be the best – every single day of your lives. UTP has equipped you with the necessary skills and knowledge. You have an obligation to push yourselves forward, to give nothing less than your best, in whatever you do. To be the best you could be.
Graduating Class,
17. Having said all those, let me also say this. Indeed I would shirk my responsibility and my amanah if I fail to remind you all of this:
As you strive towards the goals in your life, it is important for you to always remember the people who enabled you to be where you are today. To be who you are today. Your parents. Guardians. Family. Teachers, UTP. Your Sponsors. Your roots. Your Cherok Paloh! Do not be Malin Kundang!!
18. I cannot stress enough the responsibility to return their deeds; although I can safely say that no amount of money can ever repay them. More so when they are no longer around. Indeed all are temporal. Remember their love, sacrifices and blessings that has eventually lead to this momentous day. We owe that to all those heroes of our lives. So never ever forget our roots.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
19. As always, my deepest appreciation to my colleagues at UTP for their commitment and dedication to see through the growth of our graduating students throughout their time here.
20. Before I end, I am very proud to highlight this. Only 19 years of age, UTP made its debut in the 2016/17 QS World University Rankings, entering the 601-650 band. The only Malaysian private university to make it into the rankings. As well as other accolades. Amazing achievements! Congratulations to YBhg Datuk Dr Rahim and everyone in the UTP team. Though this maybe construed as self-glorification, I salute UTP for the achievements of the past, and continuous improvements in the future.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
21. Let me end by registering my congratulations and best wishes once again to all graduates. We are very proud of you. Your future is in your hands. It is time for you to deliver!
Wabillahi taufik wal-hidayah, Wassalamu’alaikum, Warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.