Welcoming remarks at Majlis Kesyukuran
Assalamua’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Salam Sejahtera
Dan Salam 1Malaysia
Yang Amat Berbahagia Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Penasihat PETRONAS
Yang Amat Berbahagia Tun Dr Siti Hasmah binti Mohd Ali
Yang Berbahagia Tan Sri Dato’ Shamsul Azhar Abbas, Presiden dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Kumpulan PETRONAS dan Puan Sri Datin Sharifah Salwa
Ahli-ahli Lembaga Pengarah PETRONAS
Ahli-ahli ExCo PETRONAS
Saudara-saudari yang saya hormati sekalian
Alhamdulillah, saya memanjatkan setinggi-tingi kesyukuran ke hadrat Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala, kerana dengan limpah Rahmat serta keizinan Nya jua, dapat kita bersama-sama pada hari yang begitu bahagia ini.
Welcome home Tun! And, to Tun Dr Siti Hasmah too. Thank you so very much, from the bottom of our hearts.
2. We are indeed privileged, honoured and humbled by Tun’s return to the Towers. The Towers that is so synonymous with Tun.
3. PETRONAS experienced one of its most robust and sustained period of growth during Tun’s premiership of the country. Every door Tun opened for us, there was always an appreciative host Government on the other side that welcomed us and facilitated our business. If Tun was Malaysia’s number one salesman, we would like to think PETRONAS was definitely his favourite product.
4. We at PETRONAS have always had the utmost respect and esteem for you Tun. For your wisdom and guidance in charting the growth of PETRONAS, as well as that of our beloved Nation. For your candid and sincere views. For making us all proud, all proud, to be Malaysians.
5. We are also most grateful for the trust Tun has placed in the successive Boards and Management of PETRONAS – to uphold the amanah of adding value to our Nation’s resources and to execute the vision charted for PETRONAS. If I may say, Tun is ever present in the way we are building on the legacy of your leadership in moulding PETRONAS to what it is today. It is present in our core values, in our long term vision for the company and in building our capabilities to be a Global Champion. Where else did our Global Champion Vision and ‘can do’ attitude come from, if not from Tun’s clarion call of Vision 2020 and ‘Malaysia Boleh’.
6. As big as Dayabumi was in the 1980’s, [and though you may not know it Tun, I worked very closely with Dr Iwaz Karim in ensuring that Dayabumi was completed according to your Vision] Tun saw greater things for PETRONAS. He saw that PETRONAS would need to grow – must grow – on the global stage. The Twin Towers is a very fitting symbol of Tun’s vision for PETRONAS. In fact the Twin Towers transcend PETRONAS to symbolise our country! Malaysia. We look forward to building further on this Vision, and to your wise counsel YABhg Tun as our Advisor.
7. In the annals of PETRONAS, there is definitely a very, very large chapter dedicated to Tun. Such is your influence; such is your larger than life presence in PETRONAS. That is a fact that cannot be denied. By anyone!
Welcome back Tun.
Wabillahi taufik walhidayah
Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.