Concluding Remarks at PETRONAS Corporate Integrity Advocacy Programme
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,
A very Good Morning,
Salam Sejahtera,
And Salam 1Malaysia,
Yang Berbahagia Tan Sri Abu Kassim Muhamad, Chief Commissioner of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC),
Members of the PETRONAS Board, Executive and Management Committees,
Representative from PETRONAS partners, suppliers and contrcators,
Distinguished guests,
Ladies and gentlemen,
Firstly, I would like to take this opportunity to thank our esteemed panelists and distinguished speaker for the thorough and informative session today. Being mindful of good governance practices and actively implementing these principles to one’s self and in the work we do is critical for any sustainable business operation. Especially so for a flagship corporation that carries the reputation of not only itself, but also that of the nation. It is fundamental towards achieving business excellence and more importantly, business sustainability.
2. It was quite evident from the discussions today that the subject of integrity has been elevated to its rightful place as a matter of culture rather than one of value. At the expense of sounding cliché, I must say, integrity has to be in our DNA. It is not just about avoiding corruption. It is a way of doing business. It is not something to be compartmentalised as a stand alone subject, to be talked about only in specific training courses and in programmes such as this. That will be doing injustice to integrity. Instead, it must underline our every effort, action and talk. We should not shy away from talking about it. It’s not a topic for senior management alone. It’s a topic for everyone, every day. The more openly we talk about it as a problem, the less likely anyone will condone it. I don’t think it is a problem for PETRONAS. But we still need to speak about it.
3. Allow me to reiterate that an effective corporate integrity programme is built on, among others, mutual accountability between the organisation and those who work on its behalf.
4. It is therefore imperative to ensure our business operations adhere to the highest levels of integrity. The implementation of the Corporate Integrity Advocacy Programme will assume an important role in this. It defines the standards of conduct expected to be upheld in the fulfillment of PETRONAS’ vision and mission. The aspirations of the Nation. The aspirations of our ultimate stakeholders, the people, who chose the Government of the day. All of us who have chosen to work here at PETRONAS have a duty to report matters of concern that come to our attention. In turn, PETRONAS has a duty to adequately investigate issues that are brought to its attention. You have our assurance that there will be no retribution for asking questions or raising concerns about corporate integrity-related issues, or reporting possible misconduct.
5. As Malaysia’s fully integrated National Oil Corporation, we are constantly being scrutinised not just by our stakeholders but the world at large. It is not just the reputation of the company that is at stake. The stakes are much bigger. It is the “amanah” to responsibly manage oil and gas resources for the people. The Government and the Nation trust us and is dependent on our integrity.
6. In line with the corporate integrity pledge, we are making a clear stand on how PETRONAS operates. This programme will serve as a guidance to the company in its business interactions. PETRONAS is effectively demonstrating to its stakeholders that our business operations do not include any hidden risks or costs that are associated with corrupt activities.
7. More importantly, every one of us are accountable in making PETRONAS a highly respected oil and gas company. From the operators on the ground to the Directors in the Boardroom. Every Board. Each and every one of us. Every day, the actions we take, and those we choose not to take, will determine whether we are worthy of retaining our good reputation.
8. I urge you to embrace integrity proactively. Avoiding corruption and declining gifts are passive forms of integrity. But for us to move forward as an organisation ‘defined by integrity’, we need to do more. We need proactive integrity. Declining bribes is good, but what do we do when we see the same bribe being offered to our colleagues? Do we turn a blind eye and look the other way? We must not. We must advise our colleagues not to accept it, and report it when the advice is not heeded. From my experience, one sure way of failing a target is by not having a mechanism of reward and punishment. Of course, the reward for acting with integrity is built into our system. Because that is our duty. Development opportunities, promotions, a pat on the back – whatever that is appropriate. Because we must send the signal that integrity is acknowledged and celebrated. Appreciated. Equally, we must mete out punishment for breach of integrity. In public. Make it very clear that we do not tolerate it. Remove the cancer before it spreads.
9. But designing corruption out of the business eco-system is not a task for one man, one committee or one organisation. Only for MACC. Or only the task of the Government. It is much bigger than that. For Malaysia’s Oil & Gas to be corruption-free, it requires every member of our eco-system to subscribe and uphold the same principles that PETRONAS subscribes to. We must continue to encourage our business partners, customers, suppliers and contractors to design internal systems that reflect those same integrity principles.
10. In this context, our size works in our favour. By virtue of our size, how we do our business will naturally reflect on the state of integrity in Corporate Malaysia. The sheer number of contracts we sign every year means our integrity principles and policies will have a cascading effect on Corporate Malaysia, especially the Oil & Gas industry. We must seize this opportunity to ‘enforce’ integrity across the oil and gas value-chain.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
11. The PETRONAS Board is fully committed to all these initiatives towards creating a corruption-free organisation. It is our hope that through these initiatives, led by the Office of the Chief Integrity Officer, we will continue to enhance the strong foundations upon which our organisation was built. Our founding fathers have set the course for us to follow. The likes of Dato’ Rastam Hadi, who was a beacon for integrity, should be acknowledged. Deviating from the True-North of integrity will not only be a disservice to their legacy, but more importantly, it will be a breach of our shareholders, stakeholders, amanah. The amanah of the Government and People of Malaysia.
12. In concluding, my heartfelt gratitude to all our esteemed speakers, panelists and guests for the fruitful session. I thank you all for your commitment towards sustaining PETRONAS as a dependable and respectable organisation with an unassailable reputation for integrity.
Wabillahi Taufik Walhidayah Wassalamua’laikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.