Launch of “CONVERGENCE: Past, Reality & Future” (Book), “CONVERGENCE: Allegories of the Malaysian Landscape” (Exhibition) and “Zulkifli Yusoff’s MERDEKA! A Work In Progress” (Exhibition)
Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh
Salam Sejahtera
dan Salam 1Malaysia
Since we are still in the month of Syawal, I guess it’s not too late to wish Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri!
Yang Berusaha Puan Shireen Naziree,Guest Curator for “CONVERGENCE: Allegories of the Malaysian Landscape”, And Author of “CONVERGENCE: Past, Reality & Future”,
Yang Berusaha En Zulkifli Yusof,
Management Representatives from PETRONAS,
Respected Members of the Art Fraternity,
Members of the Media,
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is indeed a great pleasure for me to be here on a historic day for Galeri PETRONAS. And to launch three milestone events –
• The special and limited edition book, “CONVERGENCE: Past, Reality & Future”
• “CONVERGENCE: Allegories of the Malaysian Landscape” exhibition
• And, “Zulkifli Yusoff’s MERDEKA! A Work In Progress” exhibition
2. These three launches are also extra special as we are at a time that calls for celebration; not only Hari Raya, but also Merdeka Day that we celebrated on 31st August and the upcoming Malaysia Day on 16th September. And of course, our Galeri’s 20th Anniversary!
3. Today’s book launch is a culmination of the Galeri’s 20 years of untiring effort in preserving and promoting Malaysia’s rich heritage of art and culture by showcasing the fantastic array of Malaysian masterpieces contained in the PETRONAS’ Art Collection.
4. Also, the exhibition “Zulkifli Yusoff’s MERDEKA! A Work In Progress” gives us a peek into the artist’s mind and his creative interpretation of what Merdeka and Malaysia day mean.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
5. Our heritage is defined by the colourful history of our pre-colonial and colonial background, the incredible mixture of cultures and the post-independence era of renewed self-confidence and economic development. Throughout, our relationship with this land and each other has evolved. From padi fields and fishing villages, to tin mining towns and bustling cities, our artists have stood witness to our evolution. Sometimes, they even managed to get inside of us, see us struggle with both our individual and collective identities. It is their interpretation of our history that collectively forms the artistic biography of our great nation.
6. Sir Winston Churchill once famously said, “History is written by victors.” In other words, history is an interpretation of past realities by those who won the battles, a one-sided story. Not necessarily the truth, but the victor’s interpretation of truth. But our artistic biography is written by neither victors nor losers. Artists are witnesses, presumably less emotionally charged than the victors who wrote the history. What they express through their art is not just a visual imagery. It communicates raw emotions and evokes long forgotten memories from deep inside us. It doesn’t just tell us about the history of the nation. It allows us to relate to our past better than any words can. If I may, the nation’s artistic biography is equally important as its written history in understanding and appreciating our past, and preparing us for the future. In this context, we must acknowledge the power artists possess to influence the narrative of our nation. But, as Voltaire said,” With great power comes great responsibility”. The line is indeed very thin between interpreting and inciting. Whether we are putting a pen to paper, brush to a canvas or fingers on a keyboard – we shall never underestimate its power to move people.
7. When we look at the treasure trove of works adorning these walls here, we see the unmistakable source of the inspiration – the natural beauty of this blessed land, from Mount Kinabalu to the deepest jungles, from waterfalls to the beaches. In a way, these artworks are also a reflection of the patriotic spirit of the artists – while drawing inspiration from the land, also showcasing the natural beauty and the rich artistic traditions of Malaysia to the world. Every piece of work here not only reflects the personality of the artists, but also communicates the meaning of patriotism from each artists.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
8. It is apt to mention PETRONAS’ tagline of “Reimagining Energy” here. Like our artists, it urges us to see beyond the ordinary and imagine new lenses to view old problems. In our resolve to move forward, it requires us to seek solutions no matter how unorthodox they may seem at the beginning. It is almost to make an artist from all of us! To seek creativity in everything we do and we see.
9. This spirit of treading the uncharted has been with us from the days of the ‘Young Turks of PETRONAS’. When PETRONAS was first incorporated in 1974, we set our vision to be at the forefront of oil and gas industry. Beyond that, our objective is to contribute to the well-being of the people and the nation. That includes development of well-rounded talents and a holistically developed society – one that appreciates art and preserves its cultural heritage. ‘Well-being of people and nation’ is a much broader definition of what has since become known as Corporate Social Responsibility, or CSR. Well before CSR became the catchphrase in the 80’s, the founding fathers of PETRONAS had the foresight to capture the spirit of CSR. And we owe it to them for having given us the ‘canvas’ to paint the picture of PETRONAS as it is today – not only a highly successful Fortune 100 company, but also one that promotes love for science through PETRONSAINS, and appreciation and conservation of art, music and culture through Galeri PETRONAS and Dewan Filharmonik PETRONAS. And many more. There is UTP, KLCC Park and Masjid As-Syakirin. I digress, but it’s important we acknowledge the foresight of our founding fathers as we commemorate our 20th anniversary. At this juncture, I want to thank Dato’ Medan, the former Senior General Manager of PETRONAS Group Corporate Affairs Division, for his invaluable contribution in growing our Galeri to what it is today.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
10. PETRONAS’ CSR initiatives are not just a list of events to be published in annual reports. The key principle underpinning our every activity is ‘sustainability’. As we primarily focus on the younger generation of Malaysians, these efforts are aimed at developing future generations who are not only better-educated, but also future leaders whose hearts and souls are nourished. Leaders who can appreciate what a truly magical place we live in, with its rich and diverse cultures and religions, and what an honour it is to lead the melting pot that is Malaysia.
11. Over its 20 year existence, GALERI PETRONAS has proven to be one of the most accessible and inclusive arts destination in the country that provides every Malaysian an avenue for creativity, imagination, learning, fun and contemplation. And it has definitely contributed in expanding our collective knowledge of art and understanding of Malaysia’s artistic history.
12. Moving forward, PETRONAS wishes to ignite many more sparks of creativity and unearth a stream of artistic talents through our continued support for the development and preservation of our art and cultural heritage. And contribute towards a society that is more culturally aware and more artistically inclined.
13. I therefore would like to congratulate GALERI PETRONAS and Shireen Naziree for all the hard work in publishing the book and putting together the remarkable exhibition. I also wish to commend Zulkifli Yusoff for his effort in collating his artistic interpretation of Merdeka. And all artists whose works have been selected to be displayed in the CONVERGENCE exhibition. Syabas and thank you for awakening the artists (and the art critic) in all of us.
14. On that note, it gives me great pleasure to officially launch the “CONVERGENCE: Past, Reality & Future” book and the “CONVERGENCE: Allegories of the Malaysian Landscape” and “Zulkifli Yusoff’s MERDEKA! A Work In Progress” exhibitions.
Wabillahi taufiq Walhidayah Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.