IIUM Staff Appreciation Ceremony 2012
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim,
Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Salam Sejahtera dan Salam 1Malaysia
Deputy Rectors, Executive Directors, Deans,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Alhamdulillah, praise be to Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala for with His blessings and grace we are able to convene here tonight for the IIUM Staff Appreciation Ceremony 2012.
2. It gives me great pleasure to welcome all of you to this event that is being held to recognise and celebrate the dedication, commitment and selfless contribution of our long-serving colleagues, as well as those retiring.
3. From our humble beginnings at Jalan Universiti in Petaling Jaya almost 30 years ago, we have indeed come a long way. Through these years, IIUM has earned itself a reputation as one of the leading institutions of higher learning, in Malaysia, and throughout the Muslim world. Our University’s achievements to date would not be possible without the resolve, persistence and tenacity from each one of you. And for that, on behalf of IIUM and myself, I sincerely thank you.
4. This year’s theme “Itqaan Workforce Leads to Excellence” personifies the spirit of IIUM family that has proven its mettle in building IIUM to what it is today. A University that the ummah can be proud of. Tonight, we will be honouring 238 members of our family. There are 181 who have been with us for 15 years, 51 for 25 years and 6 who are retiring. With the university being only 30 years young, many of those being honoured today would have witnessed first-hand the birth and infancy of this institution.
5. Our early days were not easy. We were thrown into the deep end, to figure out something totally new to Malaysia. How to run a university established under Companies Act, teach in English and Arabic, and enroll international students. We had no manuals. What we did have was something more important than manuals. We had a strong belief in the noble vision and mission of the University. We had a can-do attitude. And we had you, the pioneers who were determined to make it happen. You must be proud of what you have achieved, and what you have helped IIUM to achieve. I am truly proud of where we are today.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
6. On a grander scheme of things, we have only taken few first steps of a very long journey. Our Vision is to restore the dynamic and progressive role of the Muslim Ummah in all branches of knowledge and intellectual discourse. That is an immense amanah we are entrusted with. Achieve it we should. And achieve it we will, Insha Allah.
7. To the pioneering generation being honoured today, I call upon you to impart your knowledge and wisdom to the younger generation of IIUM colleagues. They have the drive, motivation and energy to continue the journey that you and I have shared. With our guidance, they can achieve more. Share what worked, and perhaps more importantly, what didn’t. If we are going to make mistakes, let’s make new ones, and not repeat the old.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
8. Spending 15 years and 25 years in one organization is remarkable. For many, it could be all of your adult life. I have no doubt in my mind, that your years of dedication to the University came with sacrifices. Not just yours, but also your family. We spend at least half the day surrounded by our family and friends. If we are not happy at home, we will not be productive at work. And a happy home is where sacrifices are acknowledged, and where possible, reciprocated. Here, I wish to convey my sincere appreciation to your spouses and families for their understanding and support. And my message to the retirees; now is the best opportunity to reciprocate the sacrifices of your family! And I wish you every happiness and success in your future efforts.
9. For those who will be staying on with IIUM, I wish you the best in continuing our journey towards excellence. Insha Allah, time is on our side to carry on the amanah entrusted to us.
Wabillahhi Taufik Walhidayah, Wassamualaikum Warahmatullahhi Wabarakatuh.