The 25th International Islamic University Malaysia Convocation
Bismillahir rahmanir rahim
Assalamu’alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Honourable Professor Dato’Sri Dr. Syed Arabi Idid
Rector of International Islamic University, Malaysia
Honourable Professor Dato’ Dr. Md Tahir Azhar
Chairman of the IIUM 25th Convocation
Honourable IIUM Majlis Members and Board of Governors
Deputy Rectors and Executive Directors
Representatives of Vice Chancellors
Senate Members
Companies Representatives
Deans, Directors, Professors and Staff
Graduands of the 25th International Islamic University Malaysia Convocation
Parents and Relatives of Graduands,
Members of the Media
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Welcome to the 25th Convocation day of the International Islamic University of Malaysia.
2. A Convocation Day marks a poignant milestone in lives of those who are privileged a tertiary education. It is a watershed moment which convexes a mix of emotions – from a high sense of achievement to the extreme of trepidation and fear of the life that awaits past these walls of IIUM.
3. For those of you who have watched the movie Forrest Gump, you will recall the now famous line said to him by his mother in his moment of self doubt – “Life is like a box of chocolates, open it, you never know what you’ll find.”
4. That in short sums the world that awaits past these walls. You will meet people and experience situations like that of a box of chocolate. Whatever the situation you may face and whom so ever you may meet, know that opportunities are always presented to those who take part in life. Opportunities beckon to those who commit and give from their hearts and their wills. Opportunities are created not just by those who dare to dream, but of those who give their pound of flesh in hard work, dedication and commitment to a purposeful life.
5. As I look out into your faces, I see the youth that could make a difference. Youth, mind you, is not so much in age as it is in mind. Youth lies in the spirit and will that continues to remind us that we have more to do, more to give. We just need to step forward.
6. You will each leave here to find your callings in life. You may not find it in your first jobs, but you must find it, nonetheless. The real contentment to success is when we work in the jobs of our calling. When we do that we give with all our might.
7. That calling may come in the form of engineering, medicine or law. Some of you may become great thinkers and writers, whilst others turning to journalism, reporting from the depths and widths of the globe. You may lead businesses and make markets. Some may delve into science and technology spearheading the latest of what the times can offer, whilst others turning to public service as their vocation.
8. Whatever paths you take, choose the passage that allows you to see the world beyond your own realities. Acquire a mindset that enables you to always see the bigger picture, the wider world to the one you know, the one you are comfortable in. This mindset will enable you to break unchartered territories, challenge your own limitations and overcome the fear of the unknown. Allah reveals in Surah Zumar (39), Ayah 9 “…. Are those who know and those who do not know alike? Only the men of understanding are mindful.”
9. The world has changed so much from my own Convocation Day. It is continuing to change every day that I ask you to make the most of your gifts, your potentials and your opportunities. The Ummah needs you not only in your professions but also in your skills. Move to accomplishing beyond the space of your own comforts. Be a part of that which is larger than yourselves to know your true potentials.
Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen,
10. This day must also see IIUM graduating. It must set new achievement targets to those set last year. Each year, as an Institution, we must seek out to be on par, if not better than globally renowned institutions.
11. I am pleased that we have adopted the Balanced Scorecard and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) as the tool for our own performance assessment. IIUM is the first higher learning institution in Malaysia inducted into the Balanced Scorecard Hall of Fame. We are also making concerted strides towards becoming a research-intensive University and the centre of reference in niche’ areas. We have received over 10 ISO certifications in various areas of our University ranging from our teaching and learning to human resource management. This signals our commitment to enhancing the quality of our delivery to our clients and stakeholders.
12. In internationalisation of IIUM, our University has advanced cooperation and collaborations with various countries. To date we have fostered several collaborations with institutions in Japan, China, Russia, France, United Kingdom, United States, Germany, New Zealand, Indonesia, Syria and Saudi Arabia. There are currently 30 research clusters and research units in the University covering topics ranging from Halal industry, globalisation and WTO, family law to nanotechnology, robotics, cyberspace security and bioenvironmental engineering. Our University is working with the industry and the Government in its research collaborations, making it more relevant to market and industry growth.
13. This said, IIUM has much more work to do. It needs to not only produce more for the development of Malaysia but also for success of the Muslim Ummah. As an international Islamic university, we have been fortunate to have been able to infuse Islamic values and ethics in all professional academic programmes. Thus the research products and output which we engage in should lead to positive values and worth socially, economically, and technologically for the betterment of the societies at large.
14. In all established universities, the alumni is an important part of the continual growth and development of the institution. Those graduating today will become the alumni of IIUM. I urge you to not only stay in touch with the development of the University, but also to actively contribute to making it better than when you were here. Thus far, IIUM has formed 10 alumni chapters in Bosnia Herzegovina, Maldives, Indonesia, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Guinea, Thailand, Singapore, China, and Australia. We, today have 18,700 registered alumni members worldwide.
My brothers and sisters,
15. We will not know for certain how each of our paths will evolve nor how long we will each be here. We know not what God has in plan for us. But what we can do is give the best we know, do the best we can with the opportunities and blessing presented to us based on a life of purpose. We must be able to look back at our lives and say that we have made THAT difference in the lives of others. I wish this for each of you today. I also wish this for IIUM in how it sets its course of growth.
16. Finally, my congratulations to the International Islamic University Malaysia for its contributions in the last 26 years to the growth of higher learning in Malaysia and amongst the Muslim Ummah. These achievements would not have been possible without the unwavering hard work and sacrifices of all staff and students of the University.
17. Allow me to also congratulate all proud parents today. You have done well in your children. To all graduating today, my congratulations on your achievement. May you give with youth in your mind always.
May Allah bless you.
Wabillahitttaufiq wal-hidayah.
Wassalamu’alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh